Jubilee Celebrations!

Jubilee Celebrations!

We’ve had a Jubilee-themed week, which started on Monday morning with this lovely book. 

It covers some of the important moments in the Queen’s life, and how, through it all, her faith in Jesus, has been her anchor.


In the evenings, I shared the story of Queen Esther, from the Bible, with my two girls. I’ve been telling them the story from my head, without a book. Honestly, I’m still amazed at how engaged they both have been. Every night they’ve asked for more. 


On Monday we also headed to The Riverfront, for a fantastic Jubilee celebration. The Riverfront put on lots of great family events if you live locally. 


We especially enjoyed making these crowns with Nazia, who runs a wonderful home education Creative Arts Workshop each Monday.


We spent the rest of the week working through this great activity pack from Curious Little Monkeys.

It is free until the 6th of June if you use the coupon JUBILEEGIFT at the checkout. 


Developing one of the science experiments in the free pack, we made this fun plaque for our front door!

First, we got out our old copper coins and had a look at the different pictures of the Queen. Can the you guess the decade the coin was made based on the image of the Queen?


Then we did an oxidisation experiment, finding out what would clean our coins best. 


We left our most oxidised coins in small pots of water, soapy water, salt water, lemon juice, soya sauce, hot sauce and ketchup. 


Once we’d recorded our results, and discovered ketchup did an excellent job of cleaning the coins, we spelt out ‘Queen’s Platinum Jubilee’ using a toothpick dipped in ketchup. 


We used some old packaging to create a Union Jack and glued our cleaned-up coins on, using a glue gun.


We’re currently in the process of putting together a Jubilee trifle pudding. If I’m honest I wish I never embarked on it! What with making custard from scratch, ameretti biscuits and mandarin coulis, the time investment was more than I bargained for.


Have a great bank holiday weekend everyone and may the sun keep shining! 😎🇬🇧🥳



Sadly the sun has not continued to shine. However we did manage to complete our jubilee pudding. 

It was so heavy, I nearly dropped it getting it out of the fridge!

It turned into a bit of a soupy mess once we started to serve it (isn’t that what trifles normally do 🙈). 

I’m not much of a trifle fan, and sadly this rendition was not the one to convert me, even though it did have my favourite ameretti biscuits dotted throughout. 

However, my neice told me it was the tastiest pudding she’d ‘Ever had, EVER’ – which I have to confess, made all the effort worth while 🥰. 

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