Keep Communicating
Being stuck in a perpetual groundhog day, makes conversation hard.
I try to keep in touch. I know it is good for all our sanity. I know it will keep the relationships stronger for when we can finally meet up… but what do you talk about?
‘Have you been up to much?’
‘I went for a walk, how about you?’
‘I went for a walk too…’
Cue the awkward silence!
Still we keep trying, and, with perseverance, find more to say. Food, family updates, work, TV shows, books and, of course, the weather!
In a similar way, it can be difficult to know what to say to God at this time. Many of us are doing less and seeing so few people. What can we pray for, meaningfully?
I am finally reaching the end of a 1 year Bible plan. It has taken me a fair bit longer than a year. I’ve enjoyed slowing down in some books. Occasionally, I’ve gone backwards. Unfortunately, I’ve missed some days too.
However, I am now reading the minor prophets and Revelation and I came across this verse:
“And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.”
Revelation 5:8
It hit me afresh, how precious our prayers are to God. They are held in golden bowls, in the very throne room of God himself. He describes them as sweet smelling incense.
Wow, if that isn’t good motivation to pray, I don’t know what is. I want my prayers to be there, among the others, in golden bowls held before the lamb – Jesus.
Each morning, when I wake, I try to say thank you to God for everything I can think of, and ask for his help for the day ahead. If that is all I can manage, then so be it. However, just as when I make the effort to call a family member or friend, once I’ve started the conversation, more often than not, it is easy to find more to say.
Wolf Theme Thursday
One of the best things about birthdays is that it is a good excuse to get in touch with family and friends.
This weekend we celebrated a 7th birthday in our house. He is currently obsessed with wolves so it seemed fitting to have a wolf ‘Theme Thursday’ in his honour.
We started with a very wolfy breakfast.
The previous weekend we had some new furniture delivered and had huge cardboard boxes left over. We cut out a number of wolves that the kids painted. I used an Artventure video to help me draw them. My own drawing skills are very limited!
I also cut out trees. Then the children glued on crepe paper and when we ran out we finished them off with an old pair of cut up green trousers!
Once the house was decorated it was time to decorate the children. We made masks with felt using this tutorial.
Then the children had a go at their printed activity sheets. I found these brilliant resources from the Wolf Conservation Center. They have colouring sheets, word searches and even a Junior Wolf Biologist Guide.
Next we made wolf paw print cookies.
Then it was time to burn off energy outside. We played ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ and ‘Tag,’ involving wolves hunting their prey!
Then we made our own geometric wolf puzzles using cardboard. The younger ones cut the wolf into bigger pieces, where as the older ones challenged themselves by cutting it into small shapes, then trying to put it back together.
Finally it was time to perform our rendition of ‘The Boy who Cried Wolf’. I got a number of second hand play books by Julia Donaldson and the kids had spent the week memorising their lines. We found consumes and filmed their performance.
We read books…
And finished the day with Fakeaway Slowcooker Lamb Kebabs. Lamb seemed a fitting choice for the wolves!
3 Replies to “Keep Communicating”
You are so artistic Rebecca. I am envying my nieces and nephews childhoods. I think I need to move in with you and become child number six. Love to all. XX
Thank you 😊 Hope you are keeping well. xx